What Does Stewardship Mean for Me?

Stewardship is living the Christian life as fully and abundantly as possible. This is done by receiving God’s gifts gratefully, cherishing and tending them in a responsible and accountable manner, sharing them in justice and love with others and returning them with increase to the Lord. Stewardship is the way of life for all Christians. Find out how to make Stewardship a part of your life in our Parish Family by reading the Stewardship Brochure.

Being On God’s Team

Stewardship is the way to play an active part in bringing to fulfillment God’s plan for the salvation of the world. You can play an active part by sharing your time and talents through our ministries, programs and groups, and offering what treasure you can spare for the care of others and God’s house.


Throughout the Scriptures, God tells us: “Trust me, I will give you all you need.” Not all you want perhaps, but all you need. The steward takes God’s Word to heart, pondering on it and living it out so that worry may be replaced with peace of mind.


Time and again, individuals who have embraced stewardship give witness to a deep feeling of joy. Their love of the Lord deepens, they become more aware of the spiritual dimension of life, and they free themselves from dependency on material things. They draw closer to family and friends.


Jesus promises eternal salvation to those who answer his call to discipleship. It is not enough to say, “I believe,” and go on with life in the same old way. Stewards live for God, and they will earn the final greatest reward when Jesus announces to them: “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter the joy of your Master!” (Matthew 25.21).

Stewardship & Generosity

Saint Francis of Assisi prayed that “It is better to give, than to receive.” Stewardship is generosity in action. It is recognizing our responsibility to care for one another and to respond as best we can to the needs in our community.