Choose your way of contributing to the Parish

  1. Instead of a weekly envelope, consider a weekly Interac e-transfer through your bank’s online services. There is normally no fee associated with this service for you or the Parish. You can use Interac e-Transfer at over 250 participating financial institutions.
  2. Holy Name of Mary uses PayPal as the clearing mechanism for electronic offerings. You don’t need a PayPal account, just choose your Credit (or Debit) Card preference in your weekly, monthly or one-time donation option below. PayPal does not charge you a fee. The Parish pays a fee.
  3. Special Collection envelopes are included in the envelopes box, but alternatively you can simply make your Special Collection offering electronically by using the PayPal donation option below.

Make a one-time donation:

Make a weekly offering:

My weekly offering

Make a monthly offering:

My monthly offering

Special Collections

I'd like to make a contribution of
to this campaign (asterisk * is Diocesan Special Collection):
For other special collections:

There are Many Ways by which You can Donate to Your Parish

Please see below to get an idea of the ways in which you can donate to the Parish. Your donations help us to continue the work begun in the early 1800s when our forefathers shared their Catholic faith here in what was then called Shipman Mills. The came together to worship, to pray, to celebrate, to socialize and help one another in difficult times. 

Your donations continue that legacy by helping us provide for the celebration of Masses (in the church, in long-term care facilities and in retirement residences), to offer worship services, comfort to the sick, and faith programs, inspire our youth, do outreach work in the community and maintain our beautiful church by paying for salaries and supplies, various expenses (such as heat, insurance, taxes) and repairs and upgrades. 

You can donate to Holy Name of Mary Parish on a weekly or monthly basis using donate envelopes, e-Transfers , Online Giving and Pre-authorized Donations. You can also donate to our Parish’s future by Leaving a Legacy in your will. Remember that stewardship is part of our faith calling. We are all responsible for sharing the gifts that we have been give from God with our brothers and sisters; spreading the Good News, feeding the hungry and visiting the sick.


Donation Envelopes

Donation envelopes are available from the Parish Office or at the entrances of the church. Please compete the registration form if you pick up envelopes in the church. New envelopes for the next year are ready for pick-up in December. A tax receipt for your annual contributions will be issued in February.



e-Transfers can be competed through your bank by sending the donation to e-Transfers are convenient, simple to use and inexpensive. However they are one time transfers and must be repeated weekly or monthly, similar to using envelopes.



Online Donating

Online donating is an easy and convenient way to donate regularly to Holy Name of Mary Parish. We use PayPal as our third party supplier. You can use your credit card directly through this option and do not need a PayPal account. The money is automatically withdrawn from your chosen payment option and you are notified by PayPal at the time of the transaction. No more need to write cheques or find cash and no more forgotten envelopes at home. There is no charge for you to use this service. Please choose from the above option buttons.


Pre-authorized Donations

Pre-authorized Donations allow you to complete a form and permit your bank to transfer a monthly amount to the Parish. For a pre-authorized direct deposit, you will need to submit a VOID cheque to the parish office with a signed form indicating the amount you would like to donate each month.  Please complete the Pre-authorized Donation Form (click here)PAD form, scan  and email back to the Parish Office.

Leaving a Legacy

A “Legacy Gift” is about making a difference in the lives that follow.  As a Faith Community, many rely upon us for spiritual nourishment, to teach children, give guidance to youth, preserve our history, console the grieving, visit the sick, welcome new members, reconcile the sinner, instill hope, joy and love. 

Yet none of this can happen without you.

As a Church, we rely solely upon parishioners like you who give generously of their time, talent and treasure throughout their lives to meet the needs of those who call upon us. Yet did you know that by including a charitable gift in your will, you will help to continue our work well into the future? You can continue to make a difference in the lives that follow. When people are in need or hurting, you help. Your charitable gift touches those in need today. Our Parish Community touch the future. Together we create the vision for a better world. Our work and the lives we will touch, will be your legacy.

Whether you think of yourself as well off or poor, or somewhere in between, your gift will make a difference. Even a small amount can have a big impact over time.
Your planned gift will help future generations seek and find God in our beloved Parish Community, just as you have, until we all meet in Christ and are together forever.

For more information about planned giving and leaving a legacy, please contact the Parish Office.